Bold Girl by Victry "Sometimes when we can't see what's deep down in the water, we start to imagine all sorts of things like sea monsters with googly eyes, long tentacles, and sharp teeth. But as soon as the sun reflects the truth underneath the layers of the ocean, we are less afraid, calmer, and crazy enough to jump into that shark infested water! You go Bold Girl! Go!"
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Bold Girl is about a girl meeting the uncertainties of life with conviction and boldness. In the painting Bold Girl has come out of her shell. There she had been since she was born. In that shell she felt safe, and secure. But now that she is not a little girl anymore she has to take on a new venture in life. For the ferris wheel, I was inspired by the history of Coney Island Beach with its wheel ride and how with 10 cents you had a chance to hop on a thrilling ride. Many times after any circus ride you come out more emboldened. And if you really loved the ride, you can't wait to do it again.Buy Now
- Title: Bold Girl
- Date: December 2018
- Location: Orlando, Fl
- Style: Abstract
- Medium: Acrylic, Molding Paste, Paper on Canvas
- Dimensions: 20 in x 16 in
- Colors: Blue, Black, White, Gold & Silver
- Artist: Victry
- VictoriaLeeJones.Com